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Dreaming of Victoria Falls


It is a sad fact that many of our favourite destinations are inaccessible at the moment as global restrictions continue to make it difficult to travel abroad.

Despite the challenges, we still like to dream of some of the most amazing places that we have travelled to over the years, and where we hope to visit again, soon.

One of the most remarkable destinations on our itinerary is the world famous Victoria Falls in Africa.


A view of Victoria Falls from the Zambia side


The history of the falls


The Victoria Falls were named for Queen Victoria by the explorer David Livingstone in 1855. Their indigenous name in the local Sotho language is:


‘Mosi-oa-Tunya’ which is translated as ‘The smoke that thunders’.


The spray from the falls is so powerful that it looks like smoke


The falls are a truly breathtaking and memorable sight and it is reported that Livingstone wrote about them in his diary:


‘Scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight’.

He also made a note at the time that an earlier name of the falls was ‘Seongo’ or ‘Chongwe’, meaning ‘The Place of the Rainbow’. This is a reference to the constant spray from the thundering water which creates beautiful rainbows which hang over the falls in the sunshine.


Located in two countries


Victoria Falls actually straddle two countries in Africa;  Zimbabwe and Zambia. Located within a national park they can be accessed either via the Town of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe or Livingstone in Zambia.


The Victoria Falls Bridge marks the border of Zambia/Zimbabwe


The Victoria Falls bridge was constructed in 1905 and links the two countries with a border post at either end.


Vital statistics


It is difficult to portray the true scope of Victoria Falls without seeing them in person, so we urge you to join one of our tours to experience them for yourself, but for those who like facts and figures, here are some vital statistics:

  • The falls are more than 1km long and 108m deep – making them the world’s largest sheet of falling water
  • They make such a loud noise that they can be heard over 40km away
  • The best time to see the falls is from February to May. This follows the annual summer rains when the water that has fallen on higher lands descends to the falls


Other things to see


The water from the falls cascades into the Zambezi River, which in itself is a miracle of nature.


We take a relaxed River Boat tour on the Zambezi River


Our tour always includes a river boat trip, which is probably the best way to experience the beauty and abundance of nature living along and within the river.

White water rafting is an option, but we prefer to take a gentler approach!


Amazing wildlife


The Zambezi River is particularly noted for its abundant wildlife which comes to its banks in search of water, so our river boat trip is a great opportunity to see a wide variety of different native species.


Elephants are regular visitors to the edges of the Zambezi River


Elephants, hippopotami and buffalo can regularly be seen along the water’s edge as well many crocodiles.


Hippopotami can also be spotted in the river


The Zambezi National Park is also home to a number of different varieties of antelope including the bushbuck and waterbuck.

For bird watchers, African Fish Eagles and the Giant Kingfisher can be spotted hunting for the abundant fish that are found in the river.


Our Victoria Falls Tour


Take a look at our Victoria Falls tour page for details of our tour and how to get in touch with us. We are hoping to start touring again in 2021, so please email us to express an interest or keep an eye on our website for upcoming tour dates.


We look forward to travelling with you soon!